About JohnMac.pro Courses

Are you tired of it?

The typical life of a meaningless nine-to-five job. Or maybe you are burned out or just know that school is not for you anymore. So what options do you have, then?

If your dream is to have more freedom, make a better living, travel, or have a work-from-home business, learning a craft so you can work online is a simple approach.

When the “system” is not working for you

Since most people only work to survive in meaningless jobs, and the school system sucks anyway, it‘s better to take charge of one’s life, train your mind, and find a better method. You have a choice.

Let‘s consider a certain group of people that often struggle the most. They tend to have the following characteristics and qualities:

  • They‘re more open-minded and “awake” to see the system of society and what‘s not working well
  • They have a greater urge for freedom in life
  • They don‘t bow and obey the school system
  • They know work can be more fun and meaningful
  • They seem to be more spiritually connected to their reality
  • They have people skills and creative qualities they want to use

These people prefer to either have a Freelance, work remotely, or start a home-based business.

Learning how to become independent

I am one of those people described above. After I quit my last employee job many years ago, I never mingled with and engaged in a fixed job position again. And that was a blessing.

I wanted something more in life. I needed freedom. And my way of building this freedom was to shut out society‘s methods. I started blocking out:

  • Unhealthy People
  • Negative places
  • Mind-dumbing TV and news
  • Useless advice from people living by the system I was leaving

All this was replaced by my own thinking and figure-shit-out mentality.

Then, Web Design became my craft. And I got pretty good at finding solutions. Without any coding skills. Combined with my 17 years of Martial Arts, I deep-dived into metaphysical, spiritual, and ancient history to feed my need for knowledge.

This is how to become independent, more confident, and set the stage for your own life. Which also seemed to give me some personal qualities that attracted more and more clients to my work.

Learning how to become a Web Designer is one of the easiest methods to build another income and start earning passive and recurring income. If you have a computer and Internet connection, you are good to go.

Welcome to this course platform

The creation of this course platform is the result of my urge and need to show people like you better methods of working and living with more freedom. It‘s available to people worldwide. Some courses will be free and some are paid.

On this website, you will find courses, workshops, and mini-intensives that will take you from beginner to advanced, mainly on the topic of building websites. Soon, you can start getting well-paid by clients around the world.

Web Design is one method to work online. And there is no need for education, a special diploma, and approval by anyone. Coding or programming is also not necessary any longer. And the need for fancy design skills is not required at all.

I welcome you to try out one of my courses. Either as a total beginner or maybe even a knowledgeable freelancer.

The idea and intention of my recommended workflow is a no-code methodology. Because most features and functions you would normally need for doing well-paid client jobs have already been created.

Here‘s how to start as a Web Design without any coding or design skills

I wrote a book about this topic. An easy read for you to quickly get into the craft of building simple to advanced websites. My book is called “Web Design Side Hustle” and is meant for total beginners. But even experienced freelancers may find some tips and traits they will be happy with.

I recommend you start here. Get my book + a one-hour workshop where you learn to set up your first website (in one hour), professionally.

Web Design Side Hustle book + Workshop