Day One
Day 2
Day 3
Free Workshop Video #1

Why Building WordPress Websites Is Easy and How to Make a Living from It 🚀

In this video, you'll discover why building high-quality websites is easier than you think and how you can earn a good income by doing so.
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Secure this early founding members Pre-Launch offer at only $49. Get access in end of January 2024
Video training for beginners

Grow your freedom, lifestyle, and income from your laptop

Start a new journey towards greater freedom. Raise your lucrative skills. Sell what you create and take the first step towards financial and a purpose filled freedom.

Membership Includes

Our (growing) library of courses

The Web Design Side Hustle book

Step-by-step Video Training

All resources ready and curated

Additional Skill Snippets to grow your value

NO coding skills needed. NO design experince necessary. No "proper" education needed. Just your laptop or home computer. 
I‘m ready to work from anywhere
No time commitment. Sign out at any time. Course membership is offered at $25/m instead of $47 as an early-bird offer. 
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